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Bad Boys Rule

There is an old saying: “When one door closes, another door opens.” The person holding that door open is a gentleman – silently nodding, waiting for a reply. If that does not sound appealing to you, the female reader, then how would you feel if he slowly closed the door with a wry smirk on his face as you shuffled to it, adjusting the bag or backpack on your shoulder, only to grab the door’s handle three inches before it closes. Would you begin to feel something other than anger? Would you feel curious about the kind of audacity it takes to do things without caring for others? Could you make him be more sincere?

Dressing For The Day

Dressing for the Day

When I was in high school, some clothes just didn’t fit my body and style. I looked at how the other guys dressed: t-shirts, sweats, hats — casual wear. I was wearing the same things, but I wasn’t feeling comfortable wearing them in public. I didn’t want to adhere to the same, social dress code every day because it made me feel like I was just “sitting through” the day.

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Today’s Hookup Culture

If you are having trouble finding a snack to have with your Netflix Original, the odds are you can get one through your refrigerator – or through your direct messages. You may want that “sweet treat” to chill with you, but you are split between the happiness that it might bring and the shame you will feel afterwards for indulging.