
What’s With The New iPhone Update?

The new iOS7 is a trippy update with florescent new features but maybe bringing in the new is not for everyone. It’s seems to be all the talk around campus whether you’ve updated your iPhone or not. Some people don’t want to update because they don’t like the new features, but others don’t want to update because they don’t like change. Come on now, it’s just a phone update.


The Hype Over All Things Healthy

The organic food craze has undoubtedly swept the nation in recent years and its popularity is only growing. But despite the huge trend organic foods has become, it still faces criticism Not being able to afford the high price tag of organic foods; and not trusting how organic foods are processed are just a few complaints typically heard from people.


Enough Backlash With Young Stars

Let’s face it – it is hard to deny that those in the public light live extravagant, glamorous lives. I am sure most of us would not have a difficult time accepting the offer to become famous overnight. Al­though, remembering that living in the public eye entails constant pa­parazzi stalking, harsh public scru­tiny and the spreading of ridiculous rumors might make us think twice before trading in our ordinary, non-famous lives.


Increased Facebook Advertisements

As with most college students, Facebook has become a staple of socialization for me. Since it was created, the site has gained hun­dreds of millions of users. How­ever, over the past few months it seems that Facebook has been trying to increase revenue with more adver­tisements on the main news feed page. Originally, they used to just appear on the side bar of the site, but now the format has completely changed. Ad­vertising is the main way for online sites and companies to gain most of their income if they are not a business with a tangible product.