
Starting Traditions

It is now December and holiday traditions are in full swing. Some traditions are small, some traditions are large, but traditions are traditions. From playing it simple, like making snow angels, to kicking it up a notch, like ice-skating in Rockafellar Center, traditions come into the holiday season stronger than ever before. Traditions can be found at the root of our families. They date back to as far as anyone can remember.


Holiday Season Begins Too Early

Stores Commercialize Holidays Earlier Each Year

Like any child growing up, I loved the holiday season. It meant getting presents, endless trays of cookies and sweets, and of course, no school for two weeks.  The whole holiday season is supposed to be a special time of giving, seeing loved ones, and just an overall sense of cheer. The reason why it is special is that it comes once a year, or at least that is what is supposed to happen.


Classic Movies Remain Timeless Through Many Generations

Memorable Films Outlive Their Decades, Continue to be Beloved by People of All Ages

Classic movies just never seem to fade away. You all know exactly what I’m talking about. I’m talking The Goonies, The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pulp Fiction, Die Hard, Grease, and for the sake of the holiday season, Home Alone, A Christmas Story, It’s a Wonderful Life, and Frosty the Snowman. These movies have a special place within all of us; they are too good not to love.


Community Members Unite in Wake of Severe Storm

Volunteerism, Compassion Strike Chord in People as Many Hurry to Help Others

Words cannot begin to describe the sorrow and grief I feel for those that lost a little or everything during Hurricane Sandy.  The images and video footage that most, if not all, of us have seen displays the heartbreak that many along the east coast have had to endure.  Losing a neighborhood, a city, and a home is enough devastation to crush any bit of hope of reconstruction.