Holiday Madness

Holiday Madness

Just as we take the last bite of our king size Snicker bars, and put the pumpkin carving knives away, we begin to hear the subtle sounds of jingle bells. As the door closes and the last trick-or-treater is on their way, we as controlled and obsessed consumers are pressured into wearing red and decorating for Christmas the day after Halloween.

Modern Family

“Modern Family” Has Families Everywhere Laughing

“Modern Family” trumps all primetime comedies. Tears are springing from your eyes, starting to overflow the bottom lids. Now the tears are streaming down your face. It gets worse: your stomach is cramping up so hard it hurts to do anything. Now, because you’re crying, and your stomach is convulsing, and your nose is getting all stuffy, you can’t breathe. Not even a little bit.

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An Internship Horror Story

We are at a time in our lives when the scariest words to anyone are “internship” and “job.” It is that joyous time of spending countless hours on the computer sending your resume to 20 plus businesses, firms, agencies, or for me, magazines. Glossy magazines have cluttered my room for years. While most young girls were playing teacher and house, I was playing magazine editor.

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Letter To The Editor 11/9/11

I would like to respond to a recent article in The Outlook stating that many students feel that the University Police are not happy with the amount of taxis entering campus. I have looked into this matter and nothing could be further from the truth. Taxicabs provide an alternative source of transportation throughout the area, […]