This coming week is spring break and there are several great things to expect. Warmer weather, great trips and some time to recuperate from midterms. However there is one ominous aspect that waits for us when we return: the housing lottery.
Asbury Park: The Hidden Gem of the Jersey Shore
After living in Long Branch for about four years, I have watched Asbury Park morph from a worndown unsafe location into a flourishing treasure chest of prime day and night-time entertainment. The improvements that have been made to Asbury Park has made it an ‘it’ spot for young adults.
Hollywood Needs to Step it Up
The Oscars took place this weekend and after looking over all the movies, I could see that it was not a good year for Hollywood. There were some great movies like The Help, 50/50, and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.
Let’s Party? Let’s Not.
Over the past couple of weeks, I have noticed signs that students have posted in their windows. Some are big, some are small, some are countdowns for different holidays, but the ones that always strike my curiosity are the signs in regards to partying. Most of these partying signs reference the constant college student’s struggle between going out on a week night or studying for that huge test you have the next morning. Many students choose to go out instead of studying, but is that what we are really here for?
Vegan is the Way to Go
Eating “healthy” seems to be the newest trend: If you’re not choosing an entrée from the “under 500 calories” list or slurping protein shakes as a snack, you may be considered the odd-ball out at the dinner table.
President Looking to Increase Hawk Alert Frequency
Dear Outlook,
Obsessed With Technology Much?
It’s a bold statement, but I truly don’t think you could live without me. I may have been a recent addition to your life, but I know you consider me to be one of your closest and trusted confidants. Maybe it’s because I’m more reliable than anyone else you know. I strive to not to ever let you down.
MUPD Shares Thoughts on Last Week’s Assault Story
I would like to respond to the recent article in the February 15th edition of The Outlook entitled, “Student Beaten on Road Near Library. MUPD Fails to Alert Campus Community of Attack.” I would like to respond from the perspective of the Monmouth University Police department.
What Studying Really Means to Students
What is this action called “studying?” For some reason the utterance of the word alone just causes me to feel depressed. Thanks to my handy-dandy pocket dictionary, I looked up what “studying” actually means:
Using Poverty as a Means to Abort?
January 22, 1973. A date that should have been known for the death of one of American’s most highly criticized Presidents. However, for our generation it is not. It is a date that took President Lyndon Johnson’s “War on Poverty” one step further.