Many of today’s youth choose not to follow the world of politics, thinking that the decisions made by politicians have no effect on them. What college students and young adults sometimes fail to recognize is that all decisions made by the politicians in office either directly or indirectly affect them now or will affect them in the near future.
Who’s Who in SGA Jackie Reed President Pro-Tempore
Jackie Reed is a senior, holding the position of President Pro-Tempore on the Student Government Association’s Senate. She is a communication major focusing on the public relations and journalism cluster. Her position involves filling in for the Vice President of SGA if he or she in not present, and delegates tasks.
How Will Fort Monmouth’s Closure Affect the Surrounding Community?
In 1917, the first 32 soldiers arrived at what was then called Camp Little Silver, after the near-by town. Once a potato farm, the location was considered ideal because it was close to river and rail transportation. It was named Fort Monmouth in 1925 and soon be-came a breeding ground for many technological innovations, such as radio advances and language interpreters.
Ways Politicians Can Better Target Student Voters
When campaigning, politicians often overlook the importance of the young voters. During President Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, he made it a point to reach out to today’s youth and to hear what they had to say. His campaigning led the youngest members of the United States’ electorate to vote, the majority of whom voted Democratic.
Recap of the Debate Team’s Summer in Arizona
Brandon Karkovice and Arielle Giordano of the University Debate Hawks competed in the Arizona Debate Institute at Arizona State University this summer. Karkovice said, “The debaters were almost as intense as the heat, but the week- long research was extremely beneficial.”
Who’s Who in SGA: Oscar Sanchez – Vice President
Oscar Sanchez, a junior, is majoring in Communications with a specialization in Public Relations and Journalism. His minors are Business Administration and Information Technology. After college, Sanchez hopes to receive his Masters degree in Communication either at San Diego State, New York University, Boston University, or the University of Miami. Ultimately, he wants to work […]
University Remembers, Comments on Sept. 11 10th Anniversary
On Sunday, America paid homage to the tragic events that took place on September 11, 2001. Ten years later, thankful citizens are continuing to move forward, but can never forget.
Christie Takes Disaster Preparations to a New Level
Hurricane Irene moved past the Jersey Shore leaving a trail of destruction and causing major flooding throughout the state.
What Students Should Expect This Semester from SGA
Upcoming Elections, Events, and Programs This Fall
The Student Government Association (SGA) has been anticipating the start of the semester so the Senate can jump right into planning campus wide events, solving student concerns, and meeting new people.
Who’s Who in SGA: Nicole Levy – President
Levy, a senior, is the newly elected President of the Student Government Association (SGA).