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A shoutout to our Advertisement Manager, Yosef!

As you look through the paper, there are at least two pages worth of advertisements from clubs and organizations on campus, as well as local businesses. These advertisements are not just there for no reason. In fact, “The Outlook” has a specific position that places the advertisements and reaches out to clubs, organizations, and local businesses. Yosef Davidowitz, who is a senior computer science student graduating this semester, fulfills this role and has been with “The Outlook” for years.

Davidowitz reflected on his beginnings at “The Outlook.” “I started when it was my second half of freshman year,” he began. “I actually started out doing ‘The Outlook’ website as the Technology Manager for two years and making edits when the website was a little more complicated to use. This was for me to gain more experience as I was just starting my computer science major. When ‘The Outlook’ began using a different software, I then transitioned into being the Advertisement Manager during the Fall 2022 semester.”

The Advertisement Manager position opened, and he knew he wanted to continue being with “The Outlook.” He said, “I fell into [the Advertisement Manager position] because of working on the website. I took the job because it would help me gain experience in Photoshop. I also wanted to do anything I can to help the paper!”

Davidowitz expressed that his position also enables him to be creative and have fun with the advertisements. This has also been his most favorite part of the job. “I get to make filler ads for the paper and create my own if the business, club, or organization does not have an ad! This is one of the most fun parts of the job.”

As for anyone who writes or contributes to “The Outlook” in any way, seeing your name in the paper is always a great feeling. That could signify hard work and dedication to a paper that has been on Monmouth’s campus for ninety years. Davidowitz emphasized this and said, “My favorite memory working for ‘The Outlook’ was seeing my name and the ads I got be printed in the paper for the first time. It has been really cool knowing that people are seeing what I work on every week. Also, since we give free space to non-profits, it has motivated me to find important causes, like the on-campus blood drive, and give space to them knowing that I can help spread the word.”

“The Outlook” helps amplify student voices and gives students the ability to write in a journalistic way. Davidowitz said, “I will definitely miss being able to contribute to ‘The Outlook’—not just creating ads, but being able to write articles and voice my opinions any time I wanted to.”

When asked about his plans after graduation in May, Davidowitz mentioned that he will be moving to Washington, D.C., to work for the Department of Defense (DOD).

Davidowitz has contributed much of his time to “The Outlook” between being the Technology Manager and transitioning into the Advertisement Manager position while also still eager to write. This type of dedication is taken seriously, and we applaud him for the years he has been with “The Outlook.”

As his time at “The Outlook” is coming to an end, the Editorial Staff would like to thank him for his hard work and dedication to this paper. We wish him the best on his endeavors!