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Ask the Experts

Scholarship Scavenger Hunt

I am looking to get more financial help for college. After the government and my school, is there anywhere else?

The audience for your question includes 2 out of 3 college students, who receive some sort of financial aid. Your search is divided into 2 categories. There is money you have to repay, and scholarships and grants you do not. You are not thinking about it now, but the government loans are going to be a large burden to repay.

Ask the Experts

Digital Disconnect

Everyone wants a high-paying job with an Internet company. If I am not coding, is marketing the best major to have on my resume?

We chose your question because you only learn the answer with experience. Online marketing was fast becoming one of the pillars of business before you were born. Every student has been a consumer for digital marketing. However, the specific skills sought by online employers are less clear cut than other professional fields. With that in mind, what are you supposed to study to prepare yourself for this industry? Most students agree on this simple answer. Focus on grasping the basics of digital: learn HTML, major in a marketing field, promote yourself on social media, and build your personal brand. These routes are valuable, but one factor is clearly overlooked… creativity!

Ask the Experts

Aching for Knowledge

I remember high school was less stressful than college. Now, I have bouts of aches in my head, stomach and back. I am not going back home, so what can I do?

Your question gets a classic response… welcome to adulthood. Our answer not only applies to students, but to all adults. Stress in college is a precursor for what to expect in the workplace. It can be a problem and health concern when it persists for long periods.

Ask the Experts

Student Sweatshop

Want to see something funny, tell your friends you want a job in manufacturing. Watch their reaction. Why do other students look down on my career choice?

Your career choice reflects a changing economy. We chose to discuss your dilemma and give you some comfort. Up through your father’s generation, everyone considered manufacturing as: dirty work, low pay, long hours, and unskilled.

Ask the Experts

Hopeful Hitchhiker

Am I the only one here without a driver’s license? Should I worry and plan to get one this Summer?

When I was a teenager, getting a license was a rite of passage, granting mobility and parental independence. Surprisingly, we found your decision to delay driving is becoming more mainstream. During this decade, the number of young people without a license increased over 50%, according to DriverKnowlege, a driving permit test website.