Senior Goodbye 1
Club & Greek

“I believe that faithfullness to these ideals will help me to live joyously and valiantly.” | Alyssa Tritschler’s Senior Goodbye

“But especially do we thank thee for friends.”

Monmouth University. You have been my home for the past four years, the best four years of my life. You have given me friendship, serenity, sisterhood, love, education, laughter, and so much happiness. From the moment I stepped on to this campus I knew I never wanted to leave. Now that time has come and it’s so hard to say goodbye. Over the years I have formed memories on every corner of this beautiful campus and I can’t help but stop and think about them as I walk towards the fountains, through the tunnel towards the residential side, or glance at Wilson Hall. Attending this school was my dream and to be able to say that I’ve reached it is so bittersweet. From eating Carlos omelets everyday freshmen and sophomore year, to shoving three people into a double room in Redwood 218, to throwing endless pregame parties in The Lawrence House, and getting stung every Thursday night, this is in fact, a goodbye.

MU Relay for Life 2016
Club & Greek

Monmouth University Fights Back at Relay for Life

Students, faculty, friends, fighters, survivors, and loved ones filled the Multi-Purpose Activity Center (MAC) on Fri. April 1 for Monmouth University’s Relay for Life. Monmouth University has been hosting an American Cancer Society sponsored campus-wide Relay for Life event, along with the help of the Colleges against Cancer club on campus, to help fight back and find a cure for cancer.

MU Surf Club Spring Break
Club & Greek

Monmouth Surf Club Spends Spring Break Overseas

Spring break, time to leave.  Anywhere away from home.  It’s odd; no other time of year seems better fit for travel than March. Why deal with the half-spring/half-winter mode? Who needs the soggy ground and fluctuating temperatures that New Jersey provides during this month? There are nooks to be explored and crannies to be exploited.I suppose going overseas to party at a resort youwill never remember does count, although the travel being referenced here is more meaningful—a right of passage for many is the surf trip.