
“The 90s Are All That”

No matter what age you are, you were born in a definitive decade. Each period brought us something special. Whether it was from music and movies, or life changing discoveries or great world leaders, it all came from a specific decade. Amongst many of the students here at the University, the 1990s are a sheer favorite that most can connect with and wish to go back to for even just one day.


Cherish the Little Things in Life

When we are little kids, everyone tries to stress the fact that that it’s the little things in life that matter the most. Saying thank you when someone does something nice for you, picking up something for someone when it falls, these are the kind of things that actually really matter to people. Of course, when we are younger, this theory seems absurd. What do you mean the “little things” are the best? I want to biggest scoop of ice cream they have. I want to go on the biggest rollercoaster ride, what do you mean I’m too small? Anything little can’t be anything good.


One Hot Hobby: Small Cars, Big Obsession

When it comes to hobbies, some options are more affordable than others. For example, horseback riding and collecting classic cars are usually a little bit more expensive than stamp collecting or fishing. However, there is one popular hobby that could qualify under both of these categories. It starts out as a cheap way to have fun, but once you’re hooked, it can get much pricier. And all it takes to start this addiction is 97 cents.


Before you Graduate…

Graduation is approaching quite quickly for most college students around the world. It is no different at the University. Time flies during college years. One minute you are entering your very first class and before you know it, you’re walking out of your very last class of undergraduate college. It’s a memorable time in your life, but what are some experiences that every University student should have before they graduate? As the unforgettable movie character Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”


English Second Language Support Service is in its First Year

Learning to understand a foreign language well enough to fit into a new social setting is difficult, so imagine having to master that language with enough proficiency to pass college courses and ace job interviews. Many international students still struggle with the English language, but some are overcoming the challenge through the University’s English Second Language (ESL) support service, a part of Tutoring and Writing Services in the Center for Student Success (CSS).