
What Not to Wear: College Edition

There comes a time in every student’s life when they have to make their way into the working world. Maybe you’re looking for your first job to get you off the ground towards your career goals. Maybe you’re looking for the job you plan to stay in for the rest of your life. Regardless, this is a scary time for everyone. Sure, you might have a great GPA. You might have been a part of Greek life. You might have all the experience and credentials the world has to offer. But what if you don’t look the part? That’s when you really need to worry.


YouTube to the Top

The role that media can play in an artist’s success is very prominent these days. In an instant a video of somebody performing can be uploaded onto the internet and anybody can see. If seen by the right amount of people or the right people, then a musical career can be right around the corner.


Giving Thanks at the University

In the spirit of the holiday season, most see Thanksgiving as a long weekend to eat turkey, watch football, and of course for students, catch up on some sleep. However, as time has passed it seems that the underlying meaning of why we give thanks gets overlooked, or rather has changed among the younger generations since the pilgrims first landed on Plymouth Rock.


Brotherly and Sisterly Love

When Your Once Annoying Siblings Grow Up to Become Your Best Friends

When my middle brother was born, I wasn’t quite sure how I felt about him. He definitely wasn’t the sister I asked my parents for, and he was probably going to steal my only child spotlight. When I finally accepted that he was nonrefundable, I decided to take on the role of proud big sister.


Professor Spotlight: Maureen Dorment

Meet an MU Lecturer of History and Anthropology

Professor Maureen Dorment, a lecturer of history and anthropology, has been a lifetime lover of learning. Although it was not always her plan to become a teacher, she finds herself very thankful for the way that things turned out. Dorment loves being in the classroom and the students she teaches. She has much wisdom and knowledge to share and her passion for her profession is expressed to anyone who has met her.