
Relationships Are a Laughing Matter

According to Match.com, the dating website polled 5,481 singles ages 21 and older that are not in a relationship on February 5. Fifty eight percent of women said that “has a sense of humor/makes me laugh” was a must-have quality in a romantic partner. Meanwhile 37 percent of men said that “has a sense of humor/makes me laugh” was a must-have quality in a romantic partner.


Things Every Girl in Her 20’s Should Know

Being in your 20’s is a crucial period in a woman’s life: It’s a transitional time when a girl discovers who she really is and becomes a woman. These are the years that women find themselves graduating college, renting their own apartments, starting their careers, and building new relationships with people. This is the time when women discover what it truly means to grow up. The 20’s are some of the most exciting years for women. To ensure the maximization of the opportunities, there’s a list of 10 things every girl in her 20s should know: