Pink Smoothie

On-the-Go Breakfast Ideas

Eating healthy in college is a constant struggle, especially when the salads can top $11, but eating healthy and having time to eat breakfast is an even bigger struggle. “Healthy” truly is a lifestyle; you have to be committed. Now, I am no poster-child for eating healthy (I pretty much bathe in carbs), but I know how important eating a healthy breakfast is. 


Put the Phone Down!

You’re at a party and it strikes you as odd how most people are on their phones, rather than enjoying the company around them. This is a theme relevant not just to parties. You’re at a football game and you’ll notice people sitting on their phone checking Twitter instead of looking up and watching the game. 


Travel Bucket List

Whether it be taking a day trip to Pennsylvania, going on a week vacation to Florida, or even an overnight stay at Atlantic City, traveling is a passion for many people. I always love recommending new travel destinations to friends and family, but am also always looking for new places to visit. There are a few places I feel everyone should travel to at least once in their lifetimes. 

Fall Fashion

2015’s Hottest Fall Fashions

It’s that time of year again. Classes have begun and our days spent at the beach are numbered. Luckily, for us they really aren’t. But we can no longer sport our favorite bikinis down by Pier Village. Fall is here and not only does that mean it time to order a pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks, but it means cozying up in all the fall essentials. For those that aren’t fashion fanatics, New York Fashion week usually occurs during the month of September each year. The designers’ collections set the tone for the season. Fall fashion for 2015 may give you some déjàvu. This season’s trends have drawn inspiration from a variety of trends and eras making it more adaptable for anyone’s personal style.