New Year New Me

New Year, New Me!

We have not only started a new semester at Monmouth University, but we have also entered a new year: 2018. Students smile and greet each other with refreshed appearances: new clothes and straight posture at their desks. Going forward, what goals will make our lives better? What goals will define our lives for the year? I decided that I wanted to improve my life by eliminating stress and increasing my rate of achievement while in school.

Season of Giving

‘Tis The Season of Giving

It’s the holiday season, a favorite of many. Each year, we wait for things like peppermint mocha coffee, being bundled up around a warm fire, and of course, presents; because who doesn’t like presents? One thing that I think many people forget is that it’s not just about getting that expensive handbag you asked your significant other for, it’s about giving. I remind myself of this every year.

Cuffing Season

Is Cuffing Season Real?

The holiday season is here and by that, I mean it is cuffing season! Suddenly, the weather drops, and everyone is cold and lonely and wants to be tied up to a loved one. Depending on who you are, and your relationship status, this can either excite, or terrify you. It is like musical chairs and it seems like everyone is scrambling to be in a relationship. The people that are in relationships, found a chair to sit in, and tell others that one day it may be their turn to find an open seat. The people left still standing are panicking because everyone around them seems to be getting “cuffed,” or paired up. But is cuffing season even real? Or is it just a made-up phenomenon?

Ranking Thanksgiving Dinner

Ranking of the Thanksgiving Dinner

Everyone loves Thanksgiving. I mean, you see family members who ask a million questions, you are forced to dress nicely in clothing that is itchy and uncomfortable, and you even gain an extra 20 pounds back from the weight you tried so hard to get off. However, the one thing that everyone really looks forward to is the food; the one day a year where you can surround yourself with all you can eat and not feel an ounce of regret. The only problem that arises in the moment that you are allowed to devour everything in sight is what to eat first. There are those who have no order, those who eat their favorite first, and even those who are set on eating everything, beginning with their least favorite and working their way up the list. We all know what our favorites are, but could you list the sweet, mouth-watering goodness from best to worst?