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Cramming For Finals

With finals quickly approaching, students often feel overwhelmed with their studies and last minute, late night study sessions become the norm. Although many feel as if “cramming” works for them and is an effective study method, the chances of a student absorbing everything they need to know in a few hours is highly unlikely.

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Go to Class or Go to the Beach?

The return from spring break kicks off the final weeks of the spring semester. Warmer, longer days are eagerly welcomed and made the most of by students around campus. Swimsuit season calls all students to the beach, a convenient mile from campus. Life at school doesn’t seem to get any more perfect than these last two months.

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Letter to the Editor 3/21/12

Letter to the Editor

This letter is in response to your March 7, 2012, editorial entitled Making a Case Against Affirmative Action. I must first start out by stating that although I am appreciative of the Outlook’s coverage of the Leap Into Diversity event and the attention The Outlook staff places in covering and publicizing MU sponsored diversity events, I strongly disagree with much of the 3/7/12 editorial.