
Being Single on Valentine’s Day

The other day I was in CVS pick­ing out Valentine’s Day cards to send to my grandparents and fam­ily. As I was looking through the red and pink decorated aisle I heard a voice from behind say something that caught my attention.

“Ugh. I hate Valentine’s Day. It’s such a waste. It’s just another excuse for couples to buy presents for one another.” I turned to see that it was a teenage girl talking to her friend as they walked past. The reason why I was so intrigued by the girl’s statement was because when I was in high school, I had said exactly the same thing.

The sudden flash of déjà vu back to my adolescence got me thinking about what makes people so angry about this holiday that is supposed to be about love.

As a girl who, sadly, has never had a valentine, I can understand the hostility that comes from those who are single during this time of year. However, I do remember in elementary school being excited for Valentine’s Day. The whole school would be decorated in student-made hearts and traced cupids with music playing in the morning. Ev­erybody received cards, ate choco­late, and the rest of the afternoon was spent playing fun Valentine’s Day themed games or watching a movie instead of doing our math lesson. Now as a 21 year- old, the day has seemed to lose its loving charm.

Because the holiday is extremely pro-couple, I feel that I have to be defensive about being single. Peo­ple will ask what my plans are for the holiday,and I have to hear those horrible words being uttered, “Oh, that’s perfectly okay. I have spent Valentine’s Day alone and with someone. It’s really not that great either way.”

While it is a friend trying to be supportive, I cannot help but roll my eyes at feeling pitied. They say that having a valentine is not all that it is cracked up to be. Yeah, right. I will remember that when you are showing off that expensive bracelet or new sports jersey you received.

If spending the holidays alone were not bad enough, as soon as New Year’s is over there is the con­stant bombardment of Valentine’s Day advertisements. From flow­ers and “He went to Jared” com­mercials for women, to electronics and clothing for guys, there is that extra month of constant reminder that, once again, I will probably be spending the holiday alone doing homework or working. If that is not enough to turn someone like me who has a natural cherub- like atti­tude into a grump, the day after can be even worse for a few reasons.

First, there are those who feel that they must share their plans for the holiday with everyone. They post pictures online of the gifts they receive or have given to their “sweetheart”. Along with that, there are minute to minute updates about where they are going and how much they love their signifi­cant other. It is enough to give you a toothache.

Then there are the people that seem to use the holiday to com­plain or those who only got togeth­er for the holiday. If it is such an in­convenience, why even celebrate? However, these have only been my experiences with Valentine’s Day. I decided to ask a couple of friends who are also single for their own opinions on the topic.

“It doesn’t really bother me, be­ing single on Valentine’s Day. I’m single most of the year anyway, so it’s not really any different. I don’t mind seeing couples spending the day together,” says junior Matt Scala. “I have seen people feel bad about themselves on Valentine’s Day because they are single, but that’s not the point of the holiday. You are supposed to be with your significant other, and if you do not have one, it’s not the end of the world. Everyone thinks that it is, but I disagree.”

People do have a tendency to overreact about the holiday. I have seen this especially with the few who feel that if they have no one, there is something wrong with them. I learned a long time ago that it is not the end of the world if you find yourself feeling lonely on a holiday. There are so many other problems that exist in the world that if someone only has to worry about having a date for one day of the year, their life is pretty good. Still, there are others who have a positive outlook on the holiday even without a special someone.

“I like to take the day as a time to treat myself,” says junior and social work major Tess La Fera. “I feel it’s a big propaganda scheme. I love being single and I don’t feel that anything could swing me in the opposite direction, unless it was choice.”

To my surprise, it seems that those who are single are more posi­tive about the holiday than I expect­ed. After all, why can’t Valentine’s Day be a fun day for new people to meet while also celebrating long term relationships? While I do hold my personal grudges against cupid, I still plan to have a little fun with the holiday and spread the love to everyone I see. Just because you are single does not mean you can’t enjoy the holiday. Who knows? You may even meet that special someone in the process.