Featured (List) News

Sophomores Required to Live on Campus

Second-year students are required to live on campus at Monmouth University beginning this semester.With the Class of 2026, Monmouth University has implemented a two-year housing requirement. All sophomores who are not commuting from their primary home are obligated to live on campus with few exceptions. There are ways around this requirement. Students may request a […]

Featured (Slider) News

Mold Testing in MU Dorms

Historically, Monmouth’s dormitories have had mold problems, which has in some instances affected students’ health. Patrick Leahy, President of Monmouth University, is aware of the issue and has instructed the community accordingly. “Any time something like that is brought to our attention, we jump on it right away. Right now, all of the vents are […]

Featured (Slider) News

MU’s Blue Hawk Records Prepares to Announce Artists on 23rd Compilation Album

On Wednesday, Sept. 20, Blue Hawk Records held its auditions for their 23rd compilation album, which is set to be released in December. A number of Monmouth artists attended the auditions to both showcase their original compositions as well as challenge the idea that “one genre fits all.” According to a press release issued by […]


MU’s Successful Open House

On Sunday, Oct. 8, Monmouth University held its annual Fall Open House for prospective first-year students looking to enroll in the class of 2028. Monmouth University was packed with new faces exploring the campus, as well as familiar ones with professors and students introducing themselves to interest students and their families. There were also several […]


School of Humanities and Social Sciences Recognizes New Dean’s First Year Completion

Monmouth University’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) celebrates the one-year anniversary of its new dean, David Hamilton Golland, Ph.D., this fall. Golland’s assignment follows that of Richard Veit, who formerly served as the School’s Interim Dean. Joe Rapolla, specialist professor and Chair of the Music and Theatre Arts Department, said of the upper […]