
The Buzz About BuzzFeed: A Rising Internet Media Platform

The internet never ceases to amaze with its vast amount of, well, everything. Just one click and endless amounts of information pop up to inform, amuse or just to make you wonder what goes on in people’s heads. Popular website BuzzFeed has recently risen to internet glory by capturing things in media, news and more, and having editors and users sprinkle in humor within most pieces. If an issue is spreading like wildfire in the technology realm, then BuzzFeed is on it.


Less Stress for Sophomore Housing in Fall 2014

The new semester means the time has come to start thinking about housing options for the next school year. Over the break students and their families received a lengthy packet in the mail about this process.  Luckily, for rising sophomore students, things got a bit easier as they along with the incoming freshman class are also guaranteed housing for next year thanks to a new dorm that is set to open near the University library in September.


New Year, New Goals, New Me

As the year comes to a close, we all start to look back on the last 12 months, the good and the bad. All of the accomplishments we’ve achieved and obstacles we’ve overcome. All the changes we’ve made for ourselves and all the things we still want to work on. The New Year is always a time that brings excitement to people because it’s a chance to change. But how many people really change for more than a couple weeks or months? Sure, resolutions may be easy to come up with, but why are they so hard to stick to?


Making Rain to Clear Smog: An Artificial Solution

Record levels of airborne pollution in Shanghai, China have passed the threshold necessary for normal outdoor activities to resume their course. Its aftereffects have manifested themselves most directly in public sectors such as education and transportation. The closing of schools and the cancellation of flights resulted from the smog infested pollution prompted the Shanghai government to issue the highest level of health warning, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).