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Winter Holidays || Opinion

Ask anyone you know what their favorite part about the winter holidays are and I’m sure every person will give you a different answer.  Some will gush about all the fattening food, from the Thanksgiving turkey to the mountains of Christmas cookies.   Some will talk about the Christmas music that blares through their radios during a long car ride.  Some will even say that they love the cold winter weather (which for that I will slightly judge you for because the snow and I just don’t see eye to eye).  Ask me and I’ll go on a full blown rant about how the decorations are by far the best part about the holidays.  Kind of like what I’m about to do now.

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Implications of the Word “Christmas Break” || Opinion

At last, Thanksgiving is over and now everyone can finally start getting ready for Christmas. You turn on nearly every radio station and Mariah Carey’s “All I want for Christmas” song is blaring through the speakers. Whether you are alone or with friends, everyone sings Christmas music to the top of their lungs. Every snap chat story or Instagram feed is filled with people setting up their Christmas trees.

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The Old Man and the Gun Misfires

To stick up and rob a bank in the middle of the day takes a lot of planning, poise, and confidence. Here you are in broad daylight, surrounded by dozens of witnesses, stealing thousands of dollars, and the police are just the push of a button away. The exhilaration you can get from robbing a bank is incomprehensible (I wouldn’t know, just take a look at my wallet.)