
Google Doodle Disappoints

Decision Not to Feature An Easter Doodle Sparks Outrage

As much as I hate to admit it, one of the things I look forward to on any holiday is seeing what type of innovative doodle Google has come up with. It is always an interest­ing experience to see how creative the different doodles are and how imaginative Google proves to be over time. Therefore, you can only imagine my surprise when I saw that Google’s homepage on Easter Sunday did not feature an Easter related doodle. Instead, the website chose to honor Cesar Chavez who would have been 86 years old.


Future of YouTube

Website Continues to Expand

On March 20, YouTube announced that it had reached a staggering 1 billion users per month.  The site is continuing to grow, with higher production content for users, and with mobile devices becoming more prominent, it seems a shift could be in the near future. What will YouTube’s next step be to continue their  consumer growth?


Separate, but Equal

Are Gender-Specific Facilities Fair?

I wouldn’t classify myself as a feminist, nor do I promote any radical gender reform, but I believe in gen­der equality. As I watched television the other day, a commercial came on for Lucille Roberts Women’s Fit­ness Center. I have never really given much thought to a gender-specific fa­cility before but it got me wondering if promoting such facilities was in our country’s best interest. How can men and women be equal if we keep creat­ing these places that separate us?