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Social Networking at its Finest

Our generation has never taken a moment to breathe. Mornings are spent sifting through e-mails, text messages, news alerts, and Facebook and Twitter notifications all before our first cup of coffee. Afternoons are spent gossiping about the morning’s “he said, she said” until the next OMG moment. We let that simmer until the evening, where countless uploads and sloppy text messages foster tomorrow’s conversations.


Looking for a Summer Job Leaves Employees Sunburned

IMAGE TAKEN from collegebound.netThe time is approaching where we all need to fill out some more applications. I’m not talking college applications (thank goodness that is over with) but I’m talking about summer job applications. College students are scrambling to find summer jobs to make a little bit of cash before the next school year. But it isn’t that easy. Applying for a summer job can be incredibly stressful.

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Live Life With Absolutely No Regrets

“Regrets are the natural property of grey hairs,” Charles Dickens once said. What does that mean? The more you regret, the greyer you’ll be? Maybe, but one thing is for sure, everyone regrets something they have done, or didn’t do when they had the chance to. Life is about making choices, and taking chances, and sometimes we don’t do what we wanted in the long run and wish we would have. College is a four year period with a high probability for regret.

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Cramming For Finals

With finals quickly approaching, students often feel overwhelmed with their studies and last minute, late night study sessions become the norm. Although many feel as if “cramming” works for them and is an effective study method, the chances of a student absorbing everything they need to know in a few hours is highly unlikely.