The Justice Department is defending the legality of President Obama’s recent recess appointments, releasing a 23page legal opinion. Critics say it is “unconvincing” and whose timing doesn’t coincide with the President’s decision.
Roll Call: Words from the SGA Senate 11/9/11
Last week SGA President, Nicole Levy attended the Board of Trustees meeting. The process of building a new residence hall offering 200 beds to freshmen was voted on. The hall will allow the University to guarantee housing to all freshmen students. It will be constructed in the Cedar Hall parking lot currently used for the library and commuters.
The Polling Institute: More Opportunities to Come
Many students do not recognize the Polling Institute as one of the University’s reputable gems, or the opportunities it has to offer.
Roll Call: Words from the SGA Senate 11/2/11
Six students from the Student Government Association had the opportunity to attend a student leadership conference at the State House in Trenton on October 24.
Who’s Who in SGA: Soraya Quezada Academics Chair
Soraya Quezada is a senior majoring in Biology. She hopes to be a doctor and will be attending medical school once she graduates in May. Quezada is from Keyport, New Jersey.
President Obama Looking to Help College Students
President Obama announced his newest executive order to help reboot the struggling economy last week. He is making changes to federal policy to make student loans more affordable and easier to pay back for recent college graduates who are struggling to find work after graduation.
Political Debate: Will Occupy Wall Street Protests Benefit the Economy?
Here students debate political issues of the week. Side 1 students make their initial argument followed by side 2 in which they respond to their opponent.
Side 1: In Favor of Occupy Wall Street: Our Mark on History
2012 New Jersey Senate Election Candidates
The New Jersey Senate election will take place next November, concurrent with the 2012 Presidential election.
Roll Call: Words from the SGA Senate 10/26/11
SGA will be participating in “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” on November 2. The event’s purpose is to take a stand against sexual violence and raise awareness of this important cause. Aramark met with the Senate to have an open discussion about the questions, comments, and concerns that have arisen recently regarding food services.
Who’s Who in SGA: Stefania Flecca Parliamentarian
Stefania Flecca is a senior majoring in English and secondary education. She has the position of Parliamentarian in SGA and oversees the Events Programming chairs who plan the Big Event, Homecoming, the Charity Auction, and Springfest.