
Let’s Adopt, Not Shop

Dogs bring joy to so many people’s lives all around the world. Americans are particularly enchanted by these animals, as according to Michelle Megnathey’s article, “Pet Ownership Statistics 2023” published in Forbes. In the article, she includes information about how dogs are the most popular type of pet in households nationwide, with an estimated 65.1 […]


The Importance of a Campus Community

Building a campus community is extremely important for any college or university. This helps not only with student engagement but for students to build connections, as well. Monmouth is a small university with just under 5,000 undergraduate students; smaller campuses can create a better campus community because of the relationships built. One editor said, “I […]


Why Lying Isn’t Always Bad

Although honesty is something that is highly encouraged and is generally valued, I don’t think it’s always the best policy. Sometimes hearing the truth is a good thing, and being honest can take you far in your friendships, partnerships, and family relations. On the other hand, it can also hurt those relationships. There are certain […]


Stop Giving Your Money to Influencers!

Social media’s surge in popularity means influencers are more and more integral to consumers’ everyday media consumption. It is increasingly normal for individuals to fall victim to the “influencer-effect,” buying a product simply because another person deemed it worth your money. Brands are capitalizing on people’s appointed status as an influencer, using them to blast […]


Compensation: Money or Experience?

An internship, or two, under one’s belt is a sure way of guaranteeing a leg-up in an increasingly crowded workforce post-graduation. Though most internships give individuals valuable experience they can leverage in the early stages of their career, only some offer fair monetary compensation. Moreover, because internships have evolved from “something-nice-to-have” to almost a necessity, […]


Teaching Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is a real-world skill that is often overlooked in the public school system. However, there are many benefits from implementing good financial habits at a young age as well as issues younger generations will face that, in my opinion, should bring some urgency to teaching children financial skills. First, it’s important to understand […]


Modern Music: Nothing’s Popping

Modern pop music is designed to please everyone, and that’s a problem. In the past, the hip, new songs and musicians you and your friends would blast to annoy your parents were the most popular. Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Nirvana, Rage Against the Machine, anything that could get mom and pop to shake their fists and […]